Consumer Friend Wins - Best Retail Finance Credit Provider

8 consecutive years! Consumer Friend has done it again, winning the "Best Retail Finance Credit Provider Award" at the 2021 Debt Review Awards. We are truly enthused for being recognised for this important industry award.

The Debt Review Awards is an Industry Awards Program that is specific to the Debt Counselling and Debt Review Industry. Usually, a red-carpet gala evening is held to announce the winners of the various categories, but with COVID-19 restrictions in place, micro-events were held all over the country and the awards were live-streamed online. Hosting a successful virtual event is a challenging task, but the team from Debtfree are due a vote of thanks for the awesome function.

At Consumer Friend we believe that our advanced operating platforms and sophisticated systems, superior customer service and unique collections and debtor management strategies, are all contributing factors in setting us apart as industry leaders.

A message from our CEO at the Virtual 2020 Debt Review Awards

Consumer Friend wins "Best Retail Finance Credit Provider" at the Debt Review Awards 2020.